End Of Tenancy Cleaner PaddingtonWe are a trusted and long-standing company, based in Paddington, and can offer commercial and residential clients in the area a host of high-quality cleaning services at keen rates to fit within any budget.

We have partnered with a team of reliable, experienced and qualified cleaners, we have reference-checked ourselves to make sure they are fit to service our loyal customers. The cleaners can provide a variety of services, ranging from carpet, oven and upholstery cleaning to end of tenancy and after builders cleaning.

Customers can rest assured all work is carried out to a professional standard. Get your weekends back by giving our skilled cleaners the go-ahead!

3 Easy Steps to Book Our Cleaning Services

We decided to have this simple booking process so anyone who needs our help may easily receive it. We are always honest and focus on our customers’ needs and requirements. We will ask you about your situation and help you create the perfect service that fits you perfectly. Here is how to schedule an appointment with us in three simple steps.

  1. You can fill our online form or simply give us a call. Our customer support representatives are available and will guide you through the process.
  2. Provide us with all the details around your situation, as well as any personal requirements you may have.
  3. Pick the best time for the appointment and and receive a free price estimate.

Customised Cleaning Plans

Our years of experience have taught us that just like our customers, their properties are all different. This is why, we will provide you with a custom cleaning service perfectly suited to all your needs. If you want to receive something in particular, simply let us know. We will help you pick the most suitable cleaning service for you and help you customise it. We will take all your personal requests into consideration and add them to the task list that will be followed by the cleaning experts. You will be able to receive exactly what you need.

High-Standard Cleaning Services

Cleaning Service
Regular Domestic Cleaning £20
One Off Domestic Cleaning £22
Carpet Cleaning - Bedroom £48
Upholstery Cleaning - Armchair from £18
End Of Tenancy Cleaning - Studio from £99
Gardening Services (Team of Two) £90

The quality cleaning services we carry out across Paddington are suitable for both commercial and domestic clients in the area. We are convinced you will become one of our many regular customers as we offer you:

  • Unprecedented levels of professionalism and expertise
  • Reliable services, carried out by insured and vetted specialists
  • Flexible working hours throughout the week
  • Great value for your money
  • Regular cleaning packages at tempting discounts
  • Reasonable prices and accurate quotations

As you can see, there are plenty of positives to recommend our cleaning services in Paddington. Your satisfaction is the pillar of our company’s success, which is why we never compromise when it comes to quality. We use only specialised equipment and cleaning products which allow our skilled and friendly cleaners to deliver premium results at all times.

Benefits of Professional Cleaning

If you have been way too busy with work or other responsibilities, your home may not be in its best condition. That means that dust, grime and bacteria will be lingering all over the place, preventing you from leading the quality life you would like to. By booking a professional company to take care of this, you will be able to save time and money and ensure the immaculate state of your property. Trust a professional cleaning team and notice an instant change in the environment. You will reduce the need to buy expensive tools and products and may rest assured that the experts will use the best, most suitable approach for the situation at hand.

You can choose any professional cleaning service from the list:

We offer a wide variety of cleaning services. If you are interested in booking one of them, all you need to do is give us a call and talk to one of our professional customer service representatives. They will give you additional information and help you pick the best solution for you.

  • End of tenancy cleaning – We will thoroughly clean the rental property you are leaving, ensuring that you are able to receive your initial deposit back.
  • Upholstery cleaning – We will remove stains and germs from your upholstery pieces, making them look bright and beautiful again.
  • House sanitation – All surfaces in the home will be thoroughly cleaned, polished and disinfected.
  • Carpet disinfection – Dust, grime, bacteria and stains will be completely eliminated from the surface of your carpets, leaving them clean and disinfected.
  • Deep cleaning – We will take care of the anual deep cleaning of your place. The property will be immaculate with no signs of dirt or grime.

Reviews from Our Clients

“I was very impressed by the quality of the final results delivered by this company. They finished the job very quickly and I could not be happier.” – Jessica Loop

“It was time for my spring cleaning, however, I was way too busy. I did not want to leave the house unkempt so I booked this company. They did a fantastic job and I am more than satisfied with the state of my home.” – Daniel Manilla

“Everything was scrubbed by the cleaners and now looks amazing. I am very grateful and will continue working with this company.” – Ayleen Randall

Domestic Cleaner PaddingtonShould you need quality carpet cleaning, give us a call. Our steam cleaning machines and powerful solutions are capable of extracting even the most obstinate stains and soils from your carpets’ fabric. Using the service will undoubtedly extend the life of your old carpets and restore them to their showroom condition.

If you cannot deal with your greasy oven on your own, let our oven cleaners tackle the job. They will remove all carbon deposits, grease and food splatters from your hobs and oven in a professional and timely manner, without using harmful chemicals in the process. Our domestic cleaning services are available for a regular maintenance or one-off deep cleaning sessions. Give us a chance to prove to you how good we are at what we do – contact us for an appointment today!

Frequently asked questions

Yes, if you want to change the time of your appointment, you can call us and we will check the availability of our staff in order to reschedule.

Yes, this is a part of our Regular Domestic Cleaning Service. Contact us and we will schedule a day and time convenient for you.

The cleaning professionals have different working hours. Therefore you can book a service Monday through Friday, 8 am to 8 pm.

Some of the postcodes where we operate in Paddington, W2

  • W2
  • W2 3AN
  • W2 4PS
  • W2 1RW
  • W2 6DX
  • W2 3JA
  • W2 4UW
  • W2 1LZ
  • W2 1PR
  • W2 1QU
  • W2 5ED